Design SuiteUsing the Data Manager



Data Manager


The Data Manager allows you to control how data fields are attached to objects, and how data is displayed and entered on the Object Info palette. This can greatly improve data accuracy and make data entry more efficient.

When starting a new project, use the Data Manager to set up the following:

Data sets to be automatically applied to objects as they are created or assigned to a class

Custom property sets to apply to objects for IFC export

Formulas to customize data fields or to apply data fields under custom conditions

Custom sheets for data entry on the Object Info palette, which can be as simple or complex as needed, with optional validation during data entry

With a good mapping scheme in place, many objects can be added to the drawing with the required data fields—and even some standard data—already attached. Use the Data tab of the Object Info palette or (for IFC export only) the IFC Data command to attach the remaining data to individual objects, as described in Editing object data and Assigning IFC data to objects.

To map data and create data sheets:

Select the command.

The Data Manager dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Saved settings options



<Document's Settings> and <Active Settings>: When you make a change in the dialog box, <Active Settings> automatically displays, to indicate that the settings have not been saved. When you click OK and save the file, the "active settings" are stored as the <Document’s Settings>.

To load a saved mapping set, select it from the list. If the saved set includes a complete set of objects, the mapping of all the objects changes. If the saved set only contains mapping for a single object, only the mapping for that object changes.

<COBie Defaults> contains data mapping for all objects that are currently mapped with IFC data mapping. All field values have at least default empty values (n/a or 0) or have an ELSE clause with default empty values, to fulfill COBie requirements for non-empty worksheet values.

<Vectorworks Defaults> restores the default mapping set.


Opens a dialog box to locate and load saved mapping sets (including custom property sets) from a local or network location


Opens a dialog box to name and save the current mapping (including custom property sets) so that it can be used in other files.

Enter a name for the mapping set.

Select whether to save the Entire mapping scheme, or the mapping of the Selected object only.

Specify where to save the mapping set: your user folder, workgroup folders, or both


Opens the Manage Saved Mapping dialog box to rename or delete saved sets. The Type column indicates what type of mapping set this is.

all_objects_icon.png: Includes mapping data for an entire set of objects

one_object_icon.png: Contains mapping data for a single object

Select a name from the list, and then click the appropriate button.

IFC version

IFC mapping is dependent upon the IFC version; changing the version restores all current mapping assignments to the default mapping

IFC language

If your distributor provides a localized version of IFC, select Localized to switch the language of the IFC entities and fields. Select Original to use the English version.

IDS Validation

Lists IDS (Information Delivery Specification) files that have been imported into the document. Select a file and then click Validate to begin a validation, or click Remove to remove the IDS file.

IDS Import

Select an IDS file to import into the document. The IDS Import dialog box displays the validation requirements from the selected file. If desired, click Save Report to save the requirements as a tab-delimited text file.


Removes the selected IDS validation file from the document


Opens the IDS Validation dialog box to run a validation with the selected IDS file. Select the desired options and click Run. See BIM management with IDS.

Check Data Manager mappings: Checks that the required IFC entities, data, and classifications have appropriate data mappings assigned

Create BCF: Creates a BCF file, which contains topics for each failed validation item

Create Worksheet Report: Creates a worksheet with the specified name, which contains the results of the validation



Search box

Enter text to filter the list by name


Specifies the mapping status of the object. Click in the column to toggle the setting.

check_mark_icon.png: Enables the data sheet fields, and includes the object in IFC export, if applicable

not_icon.png: Disables the data sheet fields, and omits the object from IFC export

Object Types/Object Names

Lists the Vectorworks object and IFC entity types for which data can be attached and mapped, and data sheets can be created. Select an item to display its current mapping scheme in the other two lists.

Class-based objects: Click Add Class-Based Object and select a class to add it to the list

Symbol definitions: Lists all 2D/3D and 3D definitions currently in the file

Red symbols that are used as plug-in object style definitions are not listed; these are mapped by the plug-in object mapping.

Plug-in objects (third-party): Lists all third-party plug-ins you have currently available in both your user and workgroup folders

Plug-in objects (built-in): Lists all standard plug-ins; if the object you want is not currently listed, click Add Plug-in Object and select an object to add it to the list

IfcEntity objects: Lists all IFC entity types

Add Class-Based Object

Opens the Add Class-based Object dialog box to select a class for mapping.

If a class-based mapping conflicts with an existing mapping based on object type, the class mapping overrides the other mapping.

Add Plug-in Object

Opens the Add Plug-in Object dialog box to select a plug-in for mapping


When a Class-based Objects item is selected, opens a dialog box to switch the data mapping for the currently selected class to another class


When a Class-based Objects item is selected, removes the selected class mapping from the list

Data Sets Attached by this Mapping

Lists the data sets, fields, and field mapping that will be attached to the object type selected in the Objects list. Click the disclosure arrow next to a top-level item to display the full list of fields associated with it.

Search box

Enter text to filter the list by name


Specifies whether the record and IFC data fields and field mapping are automatically attached when the selected type of object is added to the drawing. Click in the column to toggle the setting.

: The data set is attached

: The data set is not attached


For each mapped field, determines how the field can be edited in the Data tab of the Object Info palette. Click in the column to toggle the setting.

by_mapping_icon.png: The mapping cannot be edited directly. A user can click the button to make the field editable. After editing, the user can click the button again to restore the mapped value and make the field non-editable.

by_instance_icon.png: The mapping can be edited directly. After editing, the user can click the button to restore the mapped value.

If a mapped field is included in a data sheet, changing this value in the Data Sets list changes it in the Data Sheets list, and vice versa.


For each mapped field, determines whether the field is visible on the Data tab of the Object Info palette. Click in the column to toggle the setting.

: The field is visible

: The field is not visible

Data Sets/Fields

Lists data sets for the selected object type, as well as Condition formulas that control whether a record, IFC entity, or Pset is attached to an object

Field Mapping

Displays the mapping formula for the parameter or IFC property


Displays a general description of each item in the data sets. These are the top-level items:

Object Parameters: Plug-in object parameters for the selected object type

Record Format: Custom fields attached to the selected object type (click Add Data Set to add these to the list)

Primary: A primary IFC entity for the selected object type

Secondary: A secondary IFC entity for the selected object type, for objects that have sub-elements, such as a curtain wall

Condition: An optional conditional mapping formula for assigning a record or a primary or secondary IFC entity to the selected object type. The condition applies to the data set listed directly below it.

For the fields beneath a top-level item, the field type displays (Text, Pop-up, Boolean, and so on).

Add Data Set

Opens the Add Data Set dialog box, to select an additional data set (IFC Pset, IFC entity, or record) for the selected object type, for complex cases such as when defining IFC data mapping to export additional instances. At the top of the box, enter one or more search terms to filter the list. Select the desired data set, and click OK to add it to the list.

Manage Custom Property Sets: Opens the Manage Custom PSets dialog box, where you can create custom property sets (Psets). Click the Use column for the PSet to make it globally available or unavailable for attachment to objects. See Using custom IFC property sets for details. Custom sets are listed on the Ifc PSets (Custom) list on the Add Data Set dialog box, and on the IFC Entities/Psets list on the IFC Data dialog box.

Primary/Secondary Entity: If the Pset is a sub-element of the main entity, select Secondary Entity; otherwise, select Primary Entity. For example, a curtain wall produces an IfcCurtainWall entity; the IfcCurtainWall entity consists of members and plates, which are mapped as secondary entities.

Copy Mapping from

Opens the Copy Mapping from dialog box, to copy the mapping information from a different object to the selected object. Select the Object to Copy Mapping from, and then specify which parts of the mapping to copy.


Removes the selected property or data set from the list

Define Mapping / Define Condition

Opens a dialog box to create a mapping formula or define a condition for attaching a data set as described in Creating or editing mapping formulas

Up and Down arrows

Select a property set and then click an arrow to move the set to the IFC entity above or below this entity in the list. This allows you to form groups of IFC entities with their Psets attached.



Adds the selected field in the data set list to the data sheet list, below the currently selected field

Add All


Adds all fields from the selected data set to the data sheet list, in the currently selected data sheet

Data Sheets for this Mapping

Lists the data sheets and fields that will be available on the Object Info palette for the object type selected in the Objects list.

If there is a field whose source is no longer valid (for example, the record format was deleted), the name displays in red, and an alert displays if you try to save the mapping scheme.


Click in the column and drag up or down to change the field’s position in the data sheet list


For each mapped field, determines how the field can be edited in the Data tab of the Object Info palette. Click in the column to toggle the setting.

: The mapping cannot be edited when using a data sheet. When not using a data sheet, and the field is a record field, a user can click the button to make the field editable.

: The mapping can be edited whether or not a data sheet is in use.

If a mapped field is included in a data sheet, changing this value in the Data Sets list changes it in the Data Sheets list, and vice versa.


For each mapped field, determines whether the field is visible on the Data tab of the Object Info palette. Click in the column to toggle the setting.

: The field is visible

: The field is not visible

Sheet Name/Label

Each data sheet name is highlighted in bold, followed by all the data entry fields for the sheet, as they will display on the Object Info palette

Field Source

Lists the field where the data will be stored

Add Data Sheet

Opens a dialog box to enter the name of a new data sheet, or to select an existing data sheet

Rename Data Sheet

Opens a dialog box to rename the data sheet

Edit Field

Opens the Edit Data Sheet Field dialog box to edit the way this field will be displayed and used in the Object Info palette.

Field Source: Indicates which object and record format or IFC field this piece of data is for; for example, Door.Fire Resistance.Fire Code Jurisdiction displays for the "Fire Code Jurisdiction" field in the "Fire Resistance" record format, which is attached to a Door object.

Label: Enter a user-friendly label.

For record and IFC fields that are type Boolean or Pop-up/Enumeration, only the field’s Label can be edited.

Use Field Validation: Depending on the type of data, you can add rules to prevent invalid data being entered for the field. Check this option and then enter the desired rules. If the user enters an invalid field value, the field name and value display in red, but the value is still accepted.

Numeric Validation: Specify non-zero, minimum, maximum, or default values.

Text Validation, Pop-up Field: Click Define to open a dialog box; enter a list of choices to display on a pop-up list, one entry on each line. Then select a Default Value from that list.

Text Validation, Custom Validation: Specify minimum and maximum number of characters, required beginning or ending characters, or a valid email format.


Opens a dialog box to create a separator line in the list of fields, with an optional label


Deletes the selected field or separator

To start a new mapping scheme, select the type of object you want to map data and/or create data sheets for from the Objects list. All available symbol definitions, plug-in objects, and IFC entities and property sets display. To assign data to objects in a certain class, select the Class-based Objects heading, click Add Class-Based Object, and then select the class to add to the list.

In the Data Sets Attached by this Mapping list, built-in Vectorworks plug-in objects are automatically set up to attach standard IFC data sets, but other object types have no data sets attached. Click Add Data Set to attach custom or standard IFC property sets, IFC entities, or Vectorworks record format data to the selected object type. Also use the Add Data Set dialog box to create and edit custom property sets.

Also in the Data Sets Attached by this Mapping list, you can define a field mapping or condition to provide more detailed control over the data that is attached to the selected object type. See Creating or editing mapping formulas for details.

To adjust the data for a specific field in some way, select the field and click Define Mapping.

To attach data to the selected object based on specific conditions, select the Condition row above the desired record format or IFC entity, and click Define Condition.

Optionally, in the Data Sheets for this Mapping list, click Add Data Sheet to create a customized set of data entry fields that will be available from the Object Info palette for this type of object. With the sheet name selected, select fields from the Data Sets Attached by this Mapping list; click the Add button to add a selected field to the data sheet, or click Add All to add the entire data set. You can mix and match fields from any data set in a data sheet, and add separators to organize the fields. Select each field and click Edit Field to enter a user-friendly label, and set up field validation if desired.

If the mapping consists only of record format data sets that are automatically attached to objects, no data sheet is required. The record format data fields are always available in the Data tab of the Object Info palette.

To save the mapping scheme for use with another file, click Save, and specify whether to save the entire scheme, or save only the settings for the selected object. When you’re done setting up the mapping scheme, click OK. If you created custom property sets in this file, they're also saved and can be used in other design projects.

Multiple selection in the Data Manager

If you select multiple objects to edit from the Objects list, note the following:

The Data Sets Attached by this Mapping list displays only the data fields that apply to all selected objects.

The Data Sheets for this Mapping list displays only sheets that apply to all selected objects and have the same name. If the data sheets have the same names, but the fields have different labels, only the labels they have in common display. If you click Add Data Sheet, the selected sheet is applied to all selected objects.


Creating or editing mapping formulas

Using custom IFC property sets

Data mapping expressions

Data mapping examples

BIM management with IDS


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